
Attorney Scott Wright

Hi. I’m attorney Scott Wright. Clients who’ve recently been in an automobile accident often call me concerned that they’ve just learned that the person responsible in the accident does not have liability insurance, and they’re wondering what they can do. Well, there’s a couple things they can do.

First is to investigate their own insurance coverage. It may be that you’ve purchased an optional form of coverage called uninsured motorist coverage or also under-insured motorist coverage. We can help and assist you with that. It’s possible also that you may yet be able to pursue the person who is responsible in the accident even though they are uninsured, and we’d be happy to investigate that for you as well.

There may be other avenues of liability that are applicable to a particular claim. Things such as road design, signage, hazards that may be on the highway at a given time that contributed to your accident. But there are many things to be investigated in a claim where there is little or no coverage held by the party at fault.

We’d be happy to investigate that for you, help you if we possibly can. Please give me a call. My name again is Scott Wright. You can reach me 24-hours a day, 7-days a week at 723-1997. Please call. I’m happy to speak with you.